Wednesday, March 7, 2007

"Me Luvs Catnip!"

chester loves catnip!

chester says "mmmflurgle!" catnip heaven. kibble and nip for zee kitty!


  1. Chester's a cutie! My Hezekiah was originally a stray. Turned out to be a friend of my next door neighbor's cat that couldn't keep her.

    (I would KILL a friend of mine that "took in" my cat and then kicked her out into the street. Not that I'd do that in the first place. But I digress. Sorry!)

    Does Mr. Biddles like him?

  2. hi carrie

    seems like strays know how to find me. thats how i got mr. biddles - he just showed up at my back door one day as if he had already decided it would be a nice place to live.

    this was 6 months after my previous lovely stray cat (Miss Bean) of 7 years died from kidney disease. biddles has been of great comfort to me and he is a very happy kitteh!

    he will observe other cats but doesn't show too much interest in them unless i go outside to feed/talk to them. (biddles is an indoor cat now.)

    :) thanks for your post!
